Midweek Gatherings

Community Drop-In

Wednesday from 10.30-12 noon, free drinks and snacks provided.  Come along for a chat or for games and crafts.  Everyone is welcome.

Prayer Meetings

We meet together fortnightly on a Wednesday between 8-9pm to pray. We start with a bible-based reflection, share updates and then pray for our church, our community and our world.

House Groups

These groups meet in people’s homes on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  We study the bible, pray and support one another.  You would be welcome to come along to one of these groups.

Ladies’ Fellowship

Women of all ages meet together once a month to enjoy fellowship and a variety of different activities.  Dates are announced regularly in church and on the What’s On page.

Men’s Fellowship

We meet monthly on the first Saturday at 9am for a breakfast and finish about 10am. After breakfast there is a speaker and the meeting finishes with prayer.  The meeting is open to all men.