What To Expect

Sunday Morning

The service begins at 11 am with a few notices followed by prayer and a time of worship.  We try to sing a balance of old and new songs and we have a selection of instruments accompany us as we worship. Mid way through the service our Children leave for Creche and SALT club which is a trendy name for Sunday School. There is also a Bible class for those who are at high school. These groups cater for kids from babies up to the age of 16.

We spend about 30 minutes towards the end of the service focusing on a passage of Scripture. We believe that the Bible was inspired by God and we are committed to unpacking its content week by week in order to discover what God wants us to know.  Our usual form is to go through a book of the Bible systematically but sometimes we study the life of a Bible character or theme.

We serve refreshments after the service and love it if people can stay, get to know us and enjoy a time of conversation and friendship. Several times a year we have a Church family lunch which gives us a longer time to spend time together.

Sunday Evening

The 6.30 p.m. service is quite similar to the one in morning. One difference is that there is no children’s programme in the evening and we aim to keep our service to around one hour.  We also serve refreshments after the evening service because we feel that an opportunity to catch up with each other and build a sense of community is important.


On the first Sunday of each month, we share in communion in the morning service. On the third and fifth Sunday of each month, we hold the Lord’s Table in the evening service. We invite those who are committed Christians, who have put their trust in Jesus as Saviour and are following him as Lord of their life, to join us in remembering the Saviour in the way that he asked us to.